Oleg Gubanov
Project manager – R&D NLMK Group
“Steelmasters supports NLMK with its product development. Steelmasters combines fundamental and practical process and product knowledge in the field of high strength steels sheet for the automotive. This makes Steelmasters product development support very valuable”.

Anna Korotchenkova, R&D Director
Project manager – R&D NLMK Group
“Steel Masters has done an excellent job on preparation and support of industrial tests during the fine-tuning of a new manufacturing process. The company has extensive experience in rolling out new technologies in the world’s largest steelmaking companies, and I am happy to have had the opportunity to work with Steel Masters. I am looking forward to further developing our partnership and working on new promising projects. I believe that Steel Masters has every chance to be considered a priority counterparty when developing new products and technologies in NLMK Group. Good luck!»